首页> 外文会议>IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics >Research on Statistical Literacy Using Japanese Textbooks - A Comparison of Elementary School Arithmetic Textbooks and Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks

Research on Statistical Literacy Using Japanese Textbooks - A Comparison of Elementary School Arithmetic Textbooks and Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks

机译:日本教科书统计素养研究 - 小学算术教科书与初中数学教科书的比较



There are many forms of statistical data, and it is necessary for students to acquire reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in order to judge the reliability of such data. Using the results of the PISA and TIMSS surveys, Seiji M. & Tatsuya H. (2015) show that students' reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities as they pertain to assessing statistical data have decreased [1]. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively analyze a number of issues related to statistical literacy derived from mathematics textbooks in Japan's elementary schools and junior high schools. Problems focusing on reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities seldom appear in elementary school arithmetic and junior high school mathematics textbooks. Thus, this paper suggests that the decrease in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills is due in part to the lack of opportunities for students to solve problems targeting these skills. For this reason, teachers must teach reading comprehension and critical thinking by using additional teaching materials.
机译:有许多形式的统计数据,学生必须获得阅读理解和批判性思维技能,以判断这些数据的可靠性。使用比萨和TIMSS调查的结果,Seiji M.&Tatsuya H.(2015)表明,学生的阅读理解和批判性思维能力,因为它们有关评估统计数据已经下降[1]。本研究的目的是定量分析与日本小学和初中的数学教科书衍生的统计素质有关的许多问题。专注于阅读理解和批判性思维能力的问题很少出现在小学算术和初中数学教科书中。因此,本文表明阅读理解和批判性思维技能的减少部分是由于缺乏学生解决目标技能问题的机会。出于这个原因,教师必须通过使用额外的教材来教导阅读理解和批判性思维。



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