首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Decision and Control >Formalism for information transfer in dynamical network

Formalism for information transfer in dynamical network




In this paper, we discover a novel approach for defining information transfer in a linear network dynamical system. We provide entropy based characterization of the information transfer where the information transfer from state x to state y is measured by the amount of entropy/uncertainty that is transferred from state x to y over one time step. Our proposed definition of information transfer is based on three axioms. The first axiom has to do with zero information transfer, which says that if state x is not connected (or appears) in the dynamics of y then information transfer from x ??? y is zero. The second axiom captures the asymmetric nature of information transfer i.e., x is not connected to the dynamics of y but y is connected to the dynamics of x then information transfer from x ??? y is zero but the transfer from y ??? x is not zero. The third axiom is on information conservation. Information conservation axiom says that if y space can be split into two subspace, y1 and y2, then the information transfer from x ??? y will be equal to the sum of the information transfers from x ??? y1 and x ??? y2 provided y1 and y2 are ???dynamical independent???. Similar conservation property also applies for the case where x is split into two parts x1 and x2 with y intact. We provide an analytical expression for information transfer satisfying these three axioms. Preliminary results are provided for identifying information-based most influential nodes and clusters in network system with small world network topology.
机译:在本文中,我们发现了一种用于定义线性网络动力学系统中信息传递的新颖方法。我们提供信息传递的基于熵的特征,其中从状态x到状态y的信息传递是通过在一个时间步长上从状态x到y传递的熵/不确定性的量来测量的。我们提出的信息传输的定义基于三个公理。第一个公理与零信息传递有关,它表示如果状态x在y的动力学中未连接(或不出现),则从x传递信息。 y为零。第二个公理捕获信息传递的非对称性质,即x不与y的动力学相关,而y与x的动力学相关,则从x传递信息。 y为零,但从y转移? x不为零。第三个公理是信息保护。信息守恒定理说,如果y空间可以分为两个子空间y1和y2,则信息从x传递。 y将等于x传递的信息的总和。 y1和x ???假设y1和y2是动态独立的,则y2。类似的守恒性质也适用于x完整分割为y的两个部分x1和x2的情况。我们提供满足这三个公理的信息传递的解析表达式。提供了初步结果,用于识别具有小世界网络拓扑的网络系统中基于信息的最具影响力的节点和群集。



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