首页> 外文会议>International Universities Power Engineering Conference >Electrical motor force analysis using quaternions

Electrical motor force analysis using quaternions




The paper demonstrates how electrical variables, when formulated as vector quaternions, can be manipulated. A bottom up approach is taken to analysing the forces on coils in magnetic fields and the derivation of expressions for various scenarios is shown to be simple and quick. Quaternions, which were discovered 170 years ago, are the basis for four dimensional vectors. Electrical variables fit into this realm, as some electrical variables are in quadrature with one another when viewed across different circuit components. The manipulation of the variables to obtain force expressions is shown to be simple and visual when vectors are looked at, in various planes of the four dimensional space for the case of the dc motor. Other applications of quaternions in the field of electrical engineering are also alluded to in the paper and especially 3D vector manipulation, as in spherical motor analysis.
机译:本文演示了如何将电变量配制成矢量四元数时进行操纵。采用了一种自下而上的方法来分析磁场中线圈上的力,并证明了各种情况下表达式的推导是简单而快速的。 170年前发现的四元数是四维向量的基础。电变量适合这一领域,因为从不同的电路组件来看,某些电变量彼此正交。在直流电动机的情况下,在四维空间的各个平面上查看矢量时,显示变量以获得力表达式的操作非常简单直观。本文还提到了四元数在电气工程领域的其他应用,尤其是在球形电机分析中,尤其是3D矢量处理。



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