首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics >Automatic detection of xenophobic narratives: A case study on Swedish alternative media

Automatic detection of xenophobic narratives: A case study on Swedish alternative media

机译:仇外叙事的自动检测 - 瑞典替代媒体的案例研究



In this work we use text analysis to analyze communication on a set of Swedish immigration critic alternative media sites. Our analysis is focused on detecting narratives containing xenophobic and conspiratorial stereotypes. We are also interested in identifying differences in emotional tone and pronoun use in a comparison with traditional media. For our analysis we have used the text analysis tool LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) and a set of dictionaries made to capture a xenophobic narrative. The results show that there are significant differences between regular media and immigration critic alternative media when it comes to the use of narratives and also in the emotional tone and pronoun use.



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