首页> 外文会议>IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things >Short paper: More than the end to information overflow: How IBM Watson will turn upside down our view on information appliances

Short paper: More than the end to information overflow: How IBM Watson will turn upside down our view on information appliances




In early 2011, the IBM computing system »Watson« competed against the world's best Jeopardy champions — and won. This event marked a year-long research effort in raising the reliability of QA systems. We consider Watson as a new, unprecedented category of information processing system and that it might become a tipping point for a new way to exploit unstructured data in information-rich environments. Thus, we ask how information appliances will change if they will adapt capabilities that were introduced by Watson. We categorize information appliance capabilities to the extent that they reflect different levels of human thinking. We show how those relate to the design information appliances in data-driven working environments. Finally, we provide three possible consequences that might unfold if Watson-technology will gradually trickle down to commodity information appliances.
机译:2011年初,IBM计算系统»Watson«竞争世界上最好的危险冠军 - 并赢得了。此活动标志着提高QA系统可靠性的一年长期的研究工作。我们将Watson视为新的前所未有的信息处理系统类别,并且它可能成为一种新方式来利用信息丰富的环境中的非结构化数据的倾向点。因此,我们询问信息设备如何改变,如果它们适应沃森引入的能力。我们将信息设备功能分类为它们反映了不同层次的人类思维。我们展示了如何与数据驱动的工作环境中的设计信息设备相关。最后,如果Watson-Technology将逐渐涓涓细流到商品信息设备,我们提供了三种可能的后果。



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