首页> 外文会议>Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society >iACT - An Interactive mHealth Monitoring System to Enhance Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease

iACT - An Interactive mHealth Monitoring System to Enhance Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease

机译:IACT - 一种互动MHE健康监测系统,以增强镰状细胞病的青少年心理治疗



Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common inherited disease, and SCD symptoms impact functioning and well-being. For example, adolescents with SCD have a higher tendency of psychological problems than the general population. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a cognitive-behavioral therapy, is an effective intervention to promote quality of life and functioning in adolescents with chronic illness. However, traditional visit-based therapy sessions are restrained by challenges, such as limited follow-up, insufficient data collection, low treatment adherence, and delayed intervention. In this paper, we present Instant Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (iACT), a system designed to enhance the quality of pediatric ACT. iACT utilizes text messaging technology, which is the most popular cell phone activity among adolescents, to conduct real-time psychotherapy interventions. The system is built on cloud computing technologies, which provides a convenient and cost-effective monitoring environment. To evaluate iACT, a trial with 60 adolescents with SCD is being conducted in conjunction with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and Georgia State University.
机译:镰状细胞疾病(SCD)是最常见的遗传性疾病,SCD症状的影响功能和福祉。例如,具有SCD的青少年具有比一般人群更高的心理问题趋势。验收和承诺治疗(法案)是一种认知行为治疗,是促进慢性疾病的青少年的生命质量和功能的有效干预。然而,传统的访问疗法会受到挑战的抑制,例如有限的后续行动,数据收集不足,低治疗遵守和延迟干预。在本文中,我们目前即时验收和承诺治疗(IACT),该系统旨在提高儿科法案的质量。 IACT利用短信技术,这是青少年中最受欢迎的手机活动,进行实时心理治疗干预措施。该系统是基于云计算技术构建的,它提供了方便且经济高效的监控环境。为了评估IACT,与佐治亚理工学院,儿童医疗保健,亚特兰大和佐治亚州立大学进行了一项带SCD的60名青少年的试验。



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