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Marshall McLuhan as an oracle of the new era of communications

机译:马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)作为通讯新时代的预言



The modern theory of communication is in process of formation. For understanding its basic principles and stages of development it is important to study the work of a Canadian philosopher and culture expert Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911 - 1980), who is one of the theorists in the field of mass communication. He became one of the prophets of the era of information technology. McLuhan's famous phrases "medium is the message" and "global village" ("global village" - about the modern world) have become a well-established cliché.
机译:现代传播理论正在形成中。为了理解其基本原理和发展阶段,研究加拿大哲学和文化专家赫伯特·马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Herbert Marshall McLuhan,1911-1980年)的工作非常重要,他是大众传播领域的理论家之一。他成为信息技术时代的先知之一。麦克卢汉(McLuhan)著名的短语“媒介就是信息”和“地球村”(关于现代世界的“地球村”)已经成为公认的陈词滥调。



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