首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar >Agricultural ground penetrating radar response to deep cultivation across a fault scarp after the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, Canterbury, New Zealand

Agricultural ground penetrating radar response to deep cultivation across a fault scarp after the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, Canterbury, New Zealand




The 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, New Zealand, produced a > 28 km long approximately east-west surface rupture trace through high intensity arable and pastoral farmland. The sense of motion was mostly dextral strike-slip with a component of reverse faulting at depth. We acquired ground penetrating radar (GPR) images before and after specialist land rehabilitation equipment was used to reduce the relief across a 1.5 m high fault scarp and to fill in surface “cracks”. The upper 1–2 m was calibrated using a dynamic cone penetro meter (DCP). The effects of the deep tilling caused an increase in the shallow velocity, due to reworking of the soil, and a consequent “pull up” of the reflectors immediately beneath the tilled zone due to the reduced two-way travel time. The deeper structure and features in the profiles, in contrast, were largely unaffected. We also examined the effects of the system settings on the response. We used a Sensors & Software pulseEKKO Pro with 100 MHz antennas, and both 500 and 1000 V transmitting power. The 1000 V transmitter yielded greater subsurface reflection energy than for the 500 V transmitter, but the direct ground wave was “clipped”, i.e. the top of the radar wavelet was truncated. The clipped waveform adversely affects migration and deconvolution, because the waveform top has a sharp “corner” rather than a smooth wavecrest. In general, similar subsurface information can be obtained using more stacking of a lower power signal. The rapidly deployed GPR survey was useful in earthquake response and recovery. It partially revealed what practices were successful for treating land affected by fault rupture, providing peace of mind to farmers that land was safe for people and livestock It also provided an insight into how modern agriculture may modify transient geological disturbances in gravelly soils.
机译:2010年9月4日达尔菲尔德地震,新西兰,通过高强度耕作和田园农田长时间生产了近似的东西表面破裂追踪。运动感数大多数右侧滑行,深度逆断层的分量。我们在专业的土地康复设备之前和之后获得了地面穿透雷达(GPR)图像,用于减少1.5米高的断层围巾的浮雕并填充表面“裂缝”。使用动态锥形Penetro仪(DCP)校准上1-2μm。由于土壤的重新加工,深度耕地的影响导致浅速度的增加,并且由于双向行程时间减少而导致的耕地下方的反射器的“拉升”。相比之下,型材的更深层面和特征在很大程度上不受影响。我们还检查了系统设置对响应的影响。我们使用了带有100 MHz天线的传感器和软件PlayeKo Pro,以及500和1000 V发电功率。 1000 V变送器产生比500V发射器更大的地下反射能量,但是直接接地波是“剪切”的,即雷达小波的顶部被截断。剪裁波形对迁移和解构的波形产生不利影响,因为波形顶部具有尖锐的“角”而不是光滑的波形。通常,可以使用更低功率信号的更多堆叠获得类似的地下信息。迅速部署的GPR调查对于地震响应和恢复有用。它部分揭示了如何成功地治疗受故障破裂影响的土地,为农民提供安心,土地为人民和牲畜安全地提供了探讨现代农业如何修改砾石土壤中的瞬态地质障碍。




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