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The perception of Mandarin tones by learners from heritage and non-heritage backgrounds




Two groups of non-native adult learners of Mandarin in Australia were compared in their ability to perceive monosyllabic Mandarin words contrasting in lexical tones. They differed in their linguistic experience (non-heritage (n=7), heritage (n=8)). A group of seven native Mandarin speakers was included as controls. All non-native learners used English as their primary language of communication. However, the heritage learners were able to communicate in Cantonese as well as English. The question of interest was whether heritage learners' knowledge of contrastive tone in Cantonese might give them an advantage over Englishspeaking learners in perceiving tone contrasts in Mandarin. In general, there were more similarities than differences between the two groups in their response patterns. Of the six tone contrasts examined (T1-T2, T1-T3, T1-T4, T2-T3, T2-T4, T3-T4), the two groups of learners clearly diverged on T1-T2 and T1-T4 contrasts in opposite directions. The heritage learners were more accurate on T1-T2 and less accurate on T1-T4 than the non-heritage learners who speak Australian English as their first language. Thus, we conclude that simply having an exposure to and functional knowledge of another tonal language since early childhood does not guarantee accurate perception of Mandarin tones compared to adult learners without prior experience with tonal languages.
机译:比较了两组澳大利亚普通话非本地成年学习者在词汇音调方面感知单音节普通话单词的能力。他们的语言经验有所不同(非遗产(n = 7),遗产(n = 8))。包括七个以普通话为母语的人作为对照组。所有非母语学习者都将英语作为主要的交流语言。但是,传统学习者可以用广东话和英语交流。感兴趣的问题是,传统学习者在广东话中对对比音色的了解是否可能使他们比说英语的学习者在感知普通话中的对比音色方面更具优势。通常,两组在响应方式上的相似之处多于差异。在所检查的六个音调对比(T1-T2,T1-T3,T1-T4,T2-T3,T2-T4,T3-T4)中,两组学习者在T1-T2和T1-T4对比上明显不同指示。与以澳大利亚英语为第一语言的非传统学习者相比,传统学习者在T1-T2上的准确性更高,而在T1-T4上的准确性则更低。因此,我们得出的结论是,与没有事先使用过音调语言经验的成年学习者相比,从幼儿期就开始接触另一种音调语言并具有其他语言的功能知识并不能保证对普通话音调的准确理解。



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