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Reducing human effort and improving quality in peer code reviews using automatic static analysis and reviewer recommendation




Peer code review is a cost-effective software defect detection technique. Tool assisted code review is a form of peer code review, which can improve both quality and quantity of reviews. However, there is a significant amount of human effort involved even in tool based code reviews. Using static analysis tools, it is possible to reduce the human effort by automating the checks for coding standard violations and common defect patterns. Towards this goal, we propose a tool called Review Bot for the integration of automatic static analysis with the code review process. Review Bot uses output of multiple static analysis tools to publish reviews automatically. Through a user study, we show that integrating static analysis tools with code review process can improve the quality of code review. The developer feedback for a subset of comments from automatic reviews shows that the developers agree to fix 93% of all the automatically generated comments. There is only 14.71% of all the accepted comments which need improvements in terms of priority, comment message, etc. Another problem with tool assisted code review is the assignment of appropriate reviewers. Review Bot solves this problem by generating reviewer recommendations based on change history of source code lines. Our experimental results show that the recommendation accuracy is in the range of 60%–92%, which is significantly better than a comparable method based on file change history.
机译:对等代码审查是一种经济高效的软件缺陷检测技术。工具辅助代码审查是对等代码审查的一种形式,可以提高审查的质量和数量。但是,即使在基于工具的代码审查中也需要大量的人力。使用静态分析工具,可以通过自动进行编码标准违规和常见缺陷模式的检查来减少人力。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了一个称为Review Bot的工具,用于将自动静态分析与代码审阅过程相集成。 Review Bot使用多个静态分析工具的输出来自动发布评论。通过用户研究,我们表明将静态分析工具与代码审查过程集成在一起可以提高代码审查的质量。开发人员对自动评论中的一部分评论的反馈表明,开发人员同意修复所有自动生成的评论中的93%。在所有接受的注释中,只有14.71%的注释需要在优先级,注释消息等方面进行改进。工具辅助代码检查的另一个问题是分配适当的检查者。 Review Bot通过基于源代码行的更改历史记录生成审阅者建议来解决此问题。我们的实验结果表明,推荐准确性在60%–92%的范围内,明显优于基于文件更改历史记录的同类方法。



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