首页> 外文会议>Annual IFIP WG 11.3 conference on data and applications security and privacy >Optimal Re-encryption Strategy for Joins in Encrypted Databases

Optimal Re-encryption Strategy for Joins in Encrypted Databases




In order to perform a join in a deterministically, adjustably encrypted database one has to re-encrypt at least one column. The problem is to select that column that will result in the minimum number of re-encryptions even under an unknown schedule of joins. Naive strategies may perform too many or even infinitely many re-encryptions. We provide two strategies that allow for a much better performance. In particular the asymptotic behavior is O(n~(3/2)) resp. O(n log n) re-encryptions for n columns. We show that there can be no algorithm better than O(n log n). We further extend our result to element-wise re-encryptions and show experimentally that our algorithm results in the optimal cost in 41% of the cases.
机译:为了确定地执行可调整加密的数据库中的联接,必须重新加密至少一列。问题是选择该列,即使在未知的连接计划下,也将导致最少的重新加密次数。幼稚的策略可能会执行太多甚至无限次的重新加密。我们提供两种策略,以实现更好的性能。特别地,渐近行为是O(n〜(3/2))。对n列进行O(n log n)重新加密。我们证明没有比O(n log n)更好的算法了。我们进一步将结果扩展到逐元素重新加密,并通过实验证明,在41%的情况下,我们的算法可产生最佳成本。



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