首页> 外文会议>International conference on port and ocean engineering under arctic conditions >'Azipod' Azimuth Thruster for large capacity arctic transport ship with high ice category Arc7. Ensuring of operability and operating strength under severe ice conditions

'Azipod' Azimuth Thruster for large capacity arctic transport ship with high ice category Arc7. Ensuring of operability and operating strength under severe ice conditions

机译:“ Azipod”方位角推进器,用于高冰种Arc7的大容量北极运输船。确保在严酷的冰雪条件下的可操作性和操作强度



Intensive development of the Arctic shelf and icebreaker fleet are in the progress now. Nowadays large capacity arctic ships are being designed to provide effective transportation of hydrocarbons from the Arctic shelf. These ships will operate without icebreaker assistance under severe ice conditions. The type of this ships is pushing-pulling i.e. both ahead and astern modes can be used in ice covered waters. However, astern mode is used for navigating under severe ice conditions. It is planned to fit these ships with high power AZIPOD Azimuth thrusters to achieve the highest operating efficiency. Assurance of Azimuth thruster reliability is one of the most important problems within the framework of designing of modern large capacity arctic ships. This paper describes modern methods and results concerning the assurance of operating strength of 15MW AZIPOD for large capacity pushing-pulling tanker with category Arc7. Pushing-pulling ice ship has moderate ice bow and can move both ahead and astern under ice conditions. The calls at Siberian river mouths with fresh ice of a higher strength are the typical operational conditions for this ship. The main principles of the assigning of ice strengthening on main elements in line of force as well as ice loads acting on the propeller and AZIPOD elements are considered in this paper. The main results concerning the assurance of operability of main electrical engine are presented as well.
机译:北极陆架和破冰船队的集约化开发目前正在进行中。如今,正在设计大容量北极船,以有效地运输来自北极大陆架的碳氢化合物。这些船将在严酷的冰雪条件下在没有破冰船协助的情况下运行。这种船的类型是推拉式,即在冰层覆盖的水中都可以使用前进和后退两种模式。但是,后方模式用于在严酷的冰雪条件下导航。计划为这些船配备大功率AZIPOD方位角推进器,以实现最高的运行效率。方位角推进器可靠性的保证是现代大容量北极舰船设计框架内最重要的问题之一。本文介绍了有关确保Arc7类大容量推拉油轮的15MW AZIPOD的操作强度得到保证的现代方法和结果。推拉式冰船具有适度的冰弓,在冰雪条件下可以向前和向后移动。在西伯利亚河口的呼唤,带有较高强度的新鲜冰块,是这艘船的典型运行条件。本文考虑了在力线主要要素上分配冰增强的主要原理,以及作用在螺旋桨和AZIPOD要素上的冰负荷。提出了与保证主机的可操作性有关的主要结果。



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