首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology >Biomimetic polyelectrolyte multilayer ultrathin films to promote osseointegration

Biomimetic polyelectrolyte multilayer ultrathin films to promote osseointegration




The integration between bone and implant plays a key role in several fields, such as maxillofacial, dental and orthopedics. The improvement of the bone/implant interface has been considered with great interest for many years, mostly as relates to titanium-based implants, in which implantation surgery may induce implant infections. Such infections are the main cause of mechanical loosening and incomplete integration of the implant. The bone/implant interface has been mostly improved by physical approaches acting on the surface topography and by chemical and/or biochemical surface modification. The latter approach is focused on the incorporation of organic molecules. The work described here is focused on surface modifications of implants by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly of Collagen I (COL) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in order to promote osteogenesis and reduce bacterial infections. This technique allows to coat surfaces of any shape using ultrathin film multilayers oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. The multilayer ultrathin films were initially deposited on a Quartz Chrystal Microbalance surface in order to monitor and optimize fabrication. Subsequently, the multilayer structure has been replicated on Titanium substrates and characterized by SEM and AFM. The coatings have been tested in vitro with 3T3 cells seeded on titanium supports with and without HA/COL structures. The results described here show that structures based on these coatings can improve osteogenesis. The fabrication method is easily reproducible and versatile.
机译:骨和植入物之间的整合在多个领域(例如颌面,牙科和整形外科)中发挥着关键作用。多年来,人们一直非常关注骨骼/植入物界面的改善,主要涉及基于钛的植入物,其中植入手术可能会引起植入物感染。此类感染是植入物机械松动和不完全整合的主要原因。通过作用于表面形貌的物理方法以及化学和/或生化表面改性,大部分改善了骨/植入物界面。后一种方法集中于有机分子的掺入。这里描述的工作集中在通过胶原蛋白I(COL)和透明质酸(HA)的逐层(LbL)自组装的植入物表面修饰上,以促进成骨作用并减少细菌感染。该技术允许使用带相反电荷的聚电解质的超薄膜多层涂覆任何形状的表面。首先将多层超薄膜沉积在Quartz Chrystal Microbalance表面上,以监控和优化制造。随后,将多层结构复制到钛基底上,并通过SEM和AFM进行表征。该涂层已在体外测试了3T3细胞接种在具有和不具有HA / COL结构的钛载体上的情况。此处描述的结果表明,基于这些涂层的结构可以改善成骨作用。该制造方法易于再现并且通用。



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