首页> 外文会议>Annual Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium >Readability challenges in deeply scaled STT-MRAM

Readability challenges in deeply scaled STT-MRAM




Spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) is currently under intensive investigation for one of the possible alternatives to extend the Moore's Law beyond the CMOS technology scaling limit. Its advantageous features, such as nonvolatility, high speed, low power and excellent scalability etc, attract worldwide R&D attention. However as technology scales (e.g., below 40 nm), the process variations introduce big read reliability challenges for STT-MRAM due to the reduced sensing margin (SM) and the increased read disturbance (RD). Therefore the readability, rather than writability, will become an ultimate bottleneck of STT-MRAM at technology nodes below 40 nm. In this paper, we firstly analyze the technology scaling trends on the STT-MRAM read performance; and then we present a RD detection circuit for the case where read current is lower than the write current (e.g., >30 nm); finally we propose a reconfigurable cell design based on the differential sensing scheme to improve the SM and to reduce the RD simultaneously, for the case where read current approaches the write current (e.g., <;30 nm).
机译:自旋转移扭矩磁随机存取存储器(STT-MRAM)目前正在密集调查中,以将摩尔定律扩展到CMOS技术缩放限制之外的一个可能的替代方案。其有利的特征,例如非易失性,高速,低功耗和优异的可扩展性等,吸引全球研发。然而,随着技术尺度(例如,低于40nm),过程变化由于感测余量(SM)和增加的读取干扰(RD)而引入了STT-MRAM的大读取可靠性挑战。因此,可读性,而不是可写性,将成为STT-MRAM的终极瓶颈,在40 nm以下的技术节点。在本文中,我们首先分析了STT-MRAM读取性能的技术缩放趋势;然后我们介绍一个RD检测电路,其中读取电流低于写电流(例如,> 30nm);最后,我们提出了一种基于差分传感方案的可重配置的小区设计来改善SM并同时减少RD,对于读取电流接近写电流(例如,<; 30nm)。



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