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Becoming and Being a Researcher: What I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I Started Doing Research




Why should one wish to become a researcher? What is the role of research and researchers in society? What does one need to do to become a researcher as a PhD student (but also before and after)? What can be the progress of a researcher in his or her career? How to survive and be successful? These are some of the questions I will try to answer in my presentation, based on what I learnt from others and from my own experience. Very often, young researchers are too busy doing their own research and don't care about the global picture, ignoring these questions. Often, their academic supervisors only focus on the technical side of their supervision, and don't open the eyes of their young research collaborators. But then, sooner or later, these questions emerge and an answer must be given. In particular, 1 will focus on three issues: 1. Diffusion of research, through publications and other means. What does a beginning researcher need to know and what is a good personal strategy? 2. Evaluation of research and researcher. Researchers need to understand that they will be subject to continuous evaluation. Why? How? And, most importantly, how should they prepare to live through continuous evaluations? 3. Ethics. Researchers need to be aware of the ethical issues involved in doing research. On the one side, integrity is needed in the everyday practice of research. On the other, research is changing the world in which we live. The products of research lead to innovations that can have profound influence on society, and because of the increasingly fast transition from research to practice, they affect the world even before we understand the potential risks. What researchers might see as purely technical problems may have ethical implications, and this requires ethics awareness while doing research.
机译:为什么人们应该成为一名研究人员?研究和研究人员在社会中的作用是什么?作为博士学生(但在之前和之后)成为一名研究人员,需要做些什么?他或她的职业生涯中研究员的进展是什么?如何生存并成功?这些问题是我在演讲中试图回答的问题,根据我从其他人和自己的经验中学到的。很多时候,年轻的研究人员都忙于做自己的研究,并不关心全球图片,忽略了这些问题。通常,他们的学术监督员只关注其监督的技术方面,并没有打开他们年轻的研究合作者的眼睛。但后来,迟早,这些问题出现了,必须给出答案。特别是,1将重点关注三个问题:1。通过出版物和其他手段扩散研究。一个开始研究人员需要知道什么,什么是一个很好的个人策略? 2.研究和研究人员的评估。研究人员需要了解,他们将持续进行。为什么?如何?而且,最重要的是,他们应该如何通过持续的评估来准备生活? 3.道德。研究人员需要了解参与研究的道德问题。在一方面,在研究的日常做法中需要完整性。另一方面,研究正在改变我们生活的世界。研究产品导致创新可能对社会产生深远的影响,并且由于从研究越来越快地过渡到实践,即使在我们理解潜在风险之前,它们也会影响世界。什么研究人员可能认为纯粹的技术问题可能具有道德的影响,这需要在研究时的伦理意识。



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