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A Method to Implementation of Lane Detection Under Android System Based on OpenCV




Lane detection has drawn great attention in vehicle assistant driving and intelligent navigation systems, some of them are developed using Android operating system. This chapter presents a method to implementation of lane detection under Android system based on Open Source Computer Vision Library. To resolve the problem between C/C++ and Java mixed-language programming, the native code should be written using JNI with the Android NDK which makes available to use native code languages such as C/C++ in the Android at application level. Implementation of image processed with several processing techniques using OpenCV, such as RGB to grayscale conversion, set region of interest (ROI) crop, Canny edge detection, Hough transform, and linear fitness to detect the road lane. The method is verified on Android Virtual Device at the end of the chapter.
机译:车道检测在车辆辅助驾驶和智能导航系统中引起了极大的关注,其中一些是使用Android操作系统开发的。本章提出了一种基于开源计算机视觉库的Android系统下车道检测的实现方法。为了解决C / C ++和Java混合语言编程之间的问题,应使用JNI和Android NDK编写本机代码,该代码可在应用程序级别在Android中使用本机代码语言,例如C / C ++。使用OpenCV使用多种处理技术处理的图像的实现,例如RGB到灰度转换,设置感兴趣区域(ROI)裁剪,Canny边缘检测,Hough变换和线性适应度以检测车道。本章末尾已在Android虚拟设备上验证了该方法。



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