首页> 外文会议>Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting >Older Adult Engagement in Activities: All Motivations Are Not Created Equal

Older Adult Engagement in Activities: All Motivations Are Not Created Equal




Engaging in cognitive and social activities is related to higher cognitive function in older adults (Hertzog,Kramer, Wilson,&Lindenberger, 2008). However, some older adults engage in activities that help maintaincognitive functioning, and some do not. The present research was aimed at discovering the motivations thatunderlie older adult engagement in activities. Thirty-three older adults aged 60-87 years provided informationabout the activities in which they participated and their motivations to engage in these activities. Resultsindicated that people were generally motivated by factors in the Material World (Forbes, 2011), such as motivationfor achievement. Moreover, contrary to socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 1993), olderadults were least motivated by factors within the Social World, such as motivation for nurturance. Lastly, itappears possible to predict motivation for activities based on the characteristics of the activity using MultilevelModeling. Further research could formulate a taxonomy of older adult activities and motivations to bestencourage challenging activities at older ages.
机译:参与认知和社交活动与老年人更高的认知功能有关(Hertzog, Kramer,W​​ilson和Lindenberger,2008年)。但是,一些老年人从事有助于维持健康的活动。 认知功能,有些则不然。本研究旨在发现 是成年人参与活动的基础。提供信息的33岁年龄在60-87岁的成年人 关于他们参加的活动以及从事这些活动的动机。结果 指出人们通常受到物质世界(《福布斯》,2011年)等因素的激励 为了成就。而且,与社会情感选择性理论(Carstensen,1993)相反,更老 成年人受到社交世界内各种因素的动机最少,例如养育动机。最后,它 似乎有可能使用多级活动根据活动的特征来预测活动的动机 造型。进一步的研究可以制定老年人活动和最佳动机的分类法 鼓励老年人进行具有挑战性的活动。



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