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Teaching Secure Programming to Information Systems Students via OWASP Techniques and Libraries




Current and future Information Systems (IS) personnel and management need to understand SQL Injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other web-originating information security vulnerabilities. These can have severe negative impacts, anc minimizing these threats is an important consideration for application developers. There are many resources on the Internei and in books to help educate people about these and similar intrusions. The Open Web Application Security Projed (OWASP) includes a robust amount of information on this subject and is an excellent starting point in the creation of lecture, demonstration, and student practice on the subject. Using OWASP resources and active software examples is an effective and efficient method to teach IS students on potential security breaches and their prevention.
机译:当前和将来的信息系统(IS)人员和管理人员需要了解SQL注入,跨站点脚本(XSS)和其他源自Web的信息安全漏洞。这些可能会带来严重的负面影响,最大限度地减少这些威胁是应用程序开发人员的重要考虑因素。 Internei和书籍中有许多资源可以帮助人们了解这些和类似的入侵。开放Web应用程序安全性计划(OWASP)包含有关此主题的大量信息,并且是创建有关该主题的讲座,演示和学生实践的绝佳起点。使用OWASP资源和有效的软件示例是向IS学生教授潜在的安全漏洞及其预防方法的有效方法。



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