
Malicious MPLS Policy Engine Reconnaissance




Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is widely used on telecommunications carrier and service provider backbone networks, complex network infrastructures, and also for the interconnection of distributed sites requiring guaranteed quality of service (QoS) and service levels such as the financial services sector, government and public safety, or control networks such as the electric power grid. MPLS is a policy-based system wherein router behaviour is determined not only by the base protocols, but also by a set of further policies that network operators will typically wish not to reveal. However, sophisticated adversaries are known to conduct network reconnaissance years before executing actual attacks, and may also wish to conduct deniable attacks that may not be visible as such that appear as service degradation or which will cause re-configuration of paths in the interest of the attacker. In this paper we therefore describe a probing algorithm and a model of MPLS state space allowing an adversary to learn about the policies and policy state of an MPLS speaker. In spite of the restrictions on the adversary, our probing algorithm revealed the policy states of non-directly connected routers. Also, we analyse the confirmed information using a Bayesian network and provide simulative validation of our findings.
机译:多协议标签交换(MPLS)的电信运营商和电信运营商的骨干网络,复杂的网络基础设施上广泛使用,也可用于要求有保证的服务质量(QoS)和服务水平,如金融服务业分布式站点的互联,政府和公共安全,或控制网络,如电力电网。 MPLS是一种基于策略的系统,其中路由器行为不仅由基本协议确定,而且还通过一组进一步的策略来确定网络运营商通常希望不揭示的另一个策略。然而,复杂的对手是众所周知的行为网络侦察年执行实际的攻击面前,也不妨进行显示为服务质量下降或将导致的利益的路径重新配置不可否认的攻击,可能是不可见的,例如攻击者。在本文中,我们描述了一种探测算法和MPLS状态空间模型,允许对手了解MPLS扬声器的政策和政策状态。尽管对对手的限制,我们的探测算法揭示了非直接连接路由器的策略状态。此外,我们使用贝叶斯网络分析确认信息,并提供了我们的调查结果的模拟验证。



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