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No Tradeoff between Confidentiality and Performance: An Analysis on H.264/SVC Partial Encryption

机译:在机密性和性能之间不折衷:H.264 / SVC部分加密的分析



Partial encryption is often used as a tradeoff between security and performance to protect scalable video data. In this paper, we argue that although partial encryption is strong enough for access control, it is not adequate for content confidentiality protection. We conduct experiments to show that partially encrypted H.264/SVC (scalable video coding) streams leak significant content information from the enhancement layers in all three scalability dimensions. Our analysis concludes that such leakage is caused by the underlying coding techniques used in H.264/SVC, and all layers should be encrypted to protect confidential video streams.
机译:部分加密通常用作安全性和性能之间的权衡,以保护可伸缩视频数据。在本文中,我们认为尽管部分加密足以实现访问控制,但不足以保护内容机密性。我们进行的实验表明,部分加密的H.264 / SVC(可伸缩视频编码)流在所有三个可伸缩性维度中均从增强层泄漏了大量内容信息。我们的分析得出的结论是,此类泄漏是由H.264 / SVC中使用的基础编码技术引起的,因此应加密所有层以保护机密视频流。



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