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Removing the LED light strobe flicker by proper driver designs




Replacing traditional incandescent and fluorescent lights with more efficient, and longer-life LEDs is the trend in the lighting industry. However, since it is directly connected to AC line, like the traditional forerunners, there is a risk that 100Hz or 120Hz flicker could occur as a result of driving current ripple at the supply's output, which may make the consumers uncomfortable though most of the time human eyes are not able to notice them. LED and luminaire manufacturers are keen to get the problem solved, and they turned to the driver manufacturers because ultimately the driver determines whether flicker or not. This article investigates the cause of flicker, describes how it occurs to LEDs, and explains how engineers do trade-off between different solutions to solve the problems. Finally it offers a cost-effective and flexible way of implementing flicker-free LED lighting by utilizing ripple suppressor.
机译:更换传统的白炽灯和荧光灯,更高效,更长的LED是照明行业的趋势。然而,由于它直接连接到交流线,就像传统的先行者一样,由于在电源输出中驱动电流纹波,可能会出现100Hz或120Hz闪烁的风险,这可能使消费者虽然大部分时间都不舒服人眼无法注意到它们。 LED和灯具制造商热衷于解决问题解决,它们转向驾驶员制造商,因为最终驾驶员决定是否闪烁。本文调查了闪烁的原因,描述了它发生的LED,并解释了工程师如何在不同解决方案之间进行权衡来解决问题。最后,它提供了一种通过利用纹波抑制器来实现无闪烁的LED照明的成本效益和灵活的方法。



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