首页> 外文会议>International institute of statistics management engineering symposium;IISMES 2011 >Research on the Status and Development of China's 'Third Party' Technology Evaluation System—Based on the Perspective of Science and Technology Societies

Research on the Status and Development of China's 'Third Party' Technology Evaluation System—Based on the Perspective of Science and Technology Societies




This paper analysis the status of the china's "third party" technology evaluation system from the perspective of evaluation by science and technology societies, compare with the comprehensive technology evaluation system of developed countries, realize that china's technology evaluation system still have some shortcoming such as technology evaluation organization management "misplaced"; scientific community plays a weal role in technology evaluation; evaluation activities lack of systematic institutional arrangements; single evaluation methods; too much evaluation and the process is not standardized; fuzzy evaluation results; credit problem; unsound protection mechanism. Point out the necessity and feasibility of developing the evaluation by science and technology societies in formation of complete "third party" technology evaluation system, and propose a technology evaluation system framework with Chinese characteristics. In the end, against the shortcoming of Science and Technology Societies evaluation, this paper put forward the suggestions for comprehensive reform of technology evaluation promoted by the principle of "Reasonable division of labor, Defined responsibilities, Optimization program, improved methods, Results-oriented".
机译:本文从科学技术社会评价的角度分析了我国“第三方”技术评价体系的现状,并与发达国家的综合技术评价体系进行比较,认识到我国技术评价体系仍存在技术等缺陷。评估组织管理“错位”;科学界在技术评估中起着举足轻重的作用;评价活动缺乏系统的体制安排;单一评估方法;评估过多,流程不规范;评价结果模糊;信用问题;不健全的保护机制。指出了在建立完整的“第三方”技术评估体系中,科学技术社团进行评估的必要性和可行性,并提出了具有中国特色的技术评估体系框架。最后,针对科学技术社会评价的不足,提出了以“合理分工,责任明确,优化方案,改进方法,注重结果”的原则推动技术评价综合改革的建议。 。



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