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Analysis on the Working Process-Based Course's Impact on Achievement Goal Orientation and Self-Efficacy of the Vocational Students




After making test and statistics of the 478 students from Chongqing electronic engineering vocational college, one of the national exemplary colleges, it is discussed that the working process-based course's impact on achievement goal orientation and self-efficacy of the vocational students. Methods: contrast between the students who receive the working process-based course and the students who do not receive it by General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) and achievement goal orientation. Results: (1) There are significant differences between experimental group and control group on confirming orientation dimensionality and on self-efficacy, but not on the dimensionality of learning orientation and evasion orientation. (2) In terms of the self-efficacy, students in experimental group and control group have interaction and significant differences in gender and experimental treatment. (3) In respect of learning orientation dimensionality, students in experimental group and control group have significant differences in gender — male student is significant higher than female one, but there is no big differences in experimental treatment; in respect of confirming directional dimensionality, there exist significant differences in experimental treatment, but not in gender; and about evasion orientation dimensionality, there is no difference in both aspects. (4) Vocational students of experimental group have the significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and learning and confirming orientation, between learning orientation and confirming orientation, between confirming orientation and evasion orientation. Conclusion: This teaching method has good effects on improving achievement goal orientation and self-efficacy of the vocational students.
机译:在对全国示范性大学之一的重庆电子工程职业学院的478名学生进行测试和统计后,讨论了基于工作过程的课程对职业学生的成就目标定向和自我效能的影响。方法:通过一般自我效能感量表(GSES)和成就目标定向,比较接受工作过程基础课程的学生与未接受工作过程课程的学生之间的对比。结果:(1)实验组与对照组在确定取向维度和自我效能上有显着差异,而在学习取向和逃避取向的维度上则没有差异。 (2)就自我效能感而言,实验组和对照组的学生之间存在交互作用,性别和实验治疗之间存在显着差异。 (3)在学习取向维度上,实验组与对照组的学生性别差异显着,男生明显高于女生,但实验治疗差异不大。在确定方向尺寸方面,实验处理存在显着差异,但性别没有显着差异。关于规避方向的尺寸,在这两个方面都没有区别。 (4)实验组的职业学生的自我效能感与学习与确认取向,学习取向与确认取向,确认取向与规避取向之间具有显着的正相关。结论:这种教学方法对提高高职学生的成就目标定向和自我效能感有良好的效果。



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