首页> 外文会议>International institute of statistics management engineering symposium;IISMES 2011 >A Key Element for the Management Decision—Internal Audit Quality

A Key Element for the Management Decision—Internal Audit Quality




The dialogue among stakeholders, audit committees and the regulatory authorities on the role and performance of internal audit has never been more robust, or more candid. The quality should be considered from three points of view: effectiveness in meeting the needs of stakeholders, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of the latest internal audit best practices, and effectiveness in complying with applicable professional and/or regulatory internal audit standards and requirements[1]. Internal audit must address all three dimensions to be considered highly effective in today's challenging environment. Increasingly, audit committees and management are looking for objective feedback on the effectiveness of their internal audit functions. This demands a structured approach and methodology as well as in-depth knowledge of internal audit practices and processes.
机译:利益相关者,审计委员会和监管机构之间关于内部审计的作用和绩效的对话从未像现在这样稳健或坦率。应从三个角度考虑质量:满足利益相关者需求的有效性;使用最新内部审计最佳实践的效率和有效性;以及遵守适用的专业和/或法规内部审计标准和要求的有效性[ 1]。在当今充满挑战的环境中,内部审计必须处理所有三个方面,才能被认为是高效的。审计委员会和管理层越来越多地寻求有关其内部审计职能有效性的客观反馈。这需要结构化的方法和方法,以及对内部审计实践和流程的深入了解。



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