首页> 外文会议>AMS annual meeting >Tracking Outflows from Severe Thunderstorms Using NSF EarthScope USArray Pressure Sensors

Tracking Outflows from Severe Thunderstorms Using NSF EarthScope USArray Pressure Sensors

机译:使用NSF EarthScope USArray压力传感器跟踪来自强雷暴的流出



The NSF Earthscope USArray Transportable seismicnetwork, a dense array of over 400 seismic stationsdeployed in a grid with 75km station spacing, providesreal-time monitoring of seismicity as well as surfacebarometric pressure from instrumentation housed withinenclosed vaults. On June 22~(nd) 2010 several of thestations in North and South Dakota, Nebraska andKansas observed sudden and dramatic increases insurface pressure (~2.0 to 3.5 mb in less than 5 minutes,with a gradual increase following). Doppler radar, localobservations and infrared satellite images confirmed thepassage of severe thunderstorms coinciding with thesepressure jumps. On further investigation, it wasdetermined that the USArray stations observing thepressure jumps were actually observing outflow gustfronts from the thunderstorms. Analysis of additionalsevere thunderstorms events on separate occasionsalso confirms the passage of thunderstorm outflowscoinciding directly with pressure jumps among thevarious USArray stations. The data presented withinthis paper will reveal the temporal nature and speed ofthese outflows using the high-resolution continuous1sps pressure data from several USArray stations as abackbone. Additional data will be provided fromDoppler radar and satellite images as well as localobservations. The overall utility and viability of theUSArray pressure data will then be discussed as asupplemental aid for now-casting severe weatherevents.
机译:NSF Earthscope USArray可移动地震仪 网络,由400多个地震台组成的密集阵列 部署在站距为75公里的网格中,可提供 地震和地表的实时监控 仪器内部的气压 封闭的金库。在2010年6月22日至2010年6月22日, 南北达科他州,内布拉斯加州和 堪萨斯州观察到 表面压力(在不到5分钟的时间内达到约2.0到3.5 mb, 并逐渐增加)。多普勒雷达,本地 观测和红外卫星图像证实了 与此同时发生的雷暴天气 压力跳跃。经过进一步调查,发现 确定USArray站正在观察 压力跳跃实际上是在观察流出的阵风 雷阵雨前线。分析附加 个别情况下有雷暴天气 也证实了雷暴流出的通过 直接与压力之间的跳跃相吻合 各种USArray站。内所呈现的数据 本文将揭示时间的本质和速度 这些流出使用高分辨率连续 来自多个USArray站的1sps压力数据 骨干。其他数据将从 多普勒雷达和卫星图像以及本地 观察。整体的实用性和可行性 USArray压力数据将作为一个 即将到来的恶劣天气的补充援助 事件。



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