首页> 外文会议>2011 8th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems >Performance analysis of mesh routing protocols for UAV swarming applications

Performance analysis of mesh routing protocols for UAV swarming applications




Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are an emerging technology offering new opportunities for innovative applications and efficient overall process management in the areas of public security, cellular networks and surveying. A key factor for the optimizations yielded by this technology is an advanced mesh network design for fast and reliable information sharing between UAVs. In this paper, we analyze the performance of four available mesh routing protocol implementations (open80211s, BATMAN, BATMAN Advanced and OLSR) in the context of swarming applications for UAVs. The protocols are analyzed by means of goodput in one static and one mobile scenario using the same embedded hardware platform installed at UAVs in current research projects. Our results show that layer-2 protocols suit better for mobile applications in comparison to layer-3. On the other hand, they often cause routing flippings, which are unwanted route changes, in static scenarios imposing a small performance decrease. Hence, given the aforementioned routing protocols, we recommend to currently use open80211s or batman-advanced to establish a reliable multi-hop mesh network for swarming applications.
机译:无人机(UAV)是一项新兴技术,为公共安全,蜂窝网络和测量领域的创新应用和有效的整体过程管理提供了新的机会。这项技术带来的优化的关键因素是先进的网状网络设计,可在无人机之间实现快速可靠的信息共享。在本文中,我们分析了在无人机的蜂拥式应用程序上下文中四种可用的网状路由协议实现(open80211s,BATMAN,BATMAN Advanced和OLSR)的性能。使用当前研究项目中安装在无人机上的相同嵌入式硬件平台,通过一种静态和一种移动方案中的吞吐量分析协议。我们的结果表明,与第3层相比,第2层协议更适合移动应用程序。另一方面,它们在静态情况下通常会导致路由翻转,这是不希望的路由更改,从而导致性能下降很小。因此,考虑到上述路由协议,我们建议当前使用open80211s或batman-advanced来为群集应用程序建立可靠的多跳网状网络。



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