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Characteristics and Trends about China's Trade on Internet




China's trade on internet began in nineties of the twentieth century. From then to now, China's trade on internet has developed rapidly, which shows several characteristics and some trends. The characteristics are so excited that the paper has to say them firstly as follows: China's trade on internet whose trading volume increased every year has entered the period of large-scale development which is called technology-pull development mode. B2B, B2C and C2C are the three main kinds of transaction mode, while the integrate purchase burgeoned in 2010 and has being grown very fast. Under the situation, the trends of China's trade on internet to be coming include of new business modes, new untraditional netrentrepreneurs, new marketing modes and new financing channels and so on.
机译:中国的互联网贸易始于20世纪90年代。从那时到现在,中国的互联网贸易发展迅速,呈现出一些特点和趋势。这些特征令人兴奋,本文首先要说如下:中国的互联网交易量每年都在增长,进入了大规模发展的时期,这种时期被称为技术拉动发展模式。 B2B,B2C和C2C是三种主要的交易模式,而集成购买在2010年迅速发展,并且发展非常迅速。在这种情况下,中国互联网贸易的趋势将包括新的商业模式,新的非传统企业家,新的营销模式和新的融资渠道等。



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