首页> 外文会议>International conference on knowledge-based and intelligent information and engineering systems;KES 2010 >Pictograph Chat Communicator III: A Chat System That Embodies Cross-Cultural Communication

Pictograph Chat Communicator III: A Chat System That Embodies Cross-Cultural Communication

机译:象形文字聊天Communicator III:体现跨文化交流的聊天系统



The Pictograph Chat Communicator III is a modified version of the conventional system, where pictograph selection and the taxonomy of picto-graphs were taken a closer look. We added new pictographs (subjects, verbs, adjectives, 5W1H, symbols, and alphabets) and deleted unnecessary pictographs. We also changed the taxonomy of pictographs. Experiments were carried out 9 times in international conference halls of America, Vietnam, and Portugal, between people who do not share the same spoken language (or native language). As a result, the level of understanding is 91.1%. We supposed that pictograph communication was enough in the ice-breaking communications.
机译:象形文字聊天Communicator III是常规系统的改进版本,在其中对象形文字的选择和象形文字的分类法进行了仔细研究。我们添加了新的象形文字(主题,动词,形容词,5W1H,符号和字母),并删除了不必要的象形文字。我们还更改了象形文字的分类法。在美国,越南和葡萄牙的国际会议厅中,不同语言(或母语)的人们之间进行了9次实验。结果,理解水平为91.1%。我们认为象形文字交流在破冰的交流中就足够了。



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