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Reliability Growth Planning using Retrofit or Engineering ChangeOrder-A Budget Based Decision Making




Two different corrective actions (CA) are often used for improving the reliability of in-service systems: retrofit andECO (engineering-change-order). Retrofit is a repair service that pro-actively replaces system modules orcomponents before they fail due to known failure modes. ECO is a counter-measure generally implemented in therepair center to fix and upgrade defective modules upon the failure return. This paper aims to evaluate the trade-offbetween the CA cost and the anticipated reliability growth in terms of the retrofit and ECO processes. We propose afix effectiveness function that is able to link the failure reduction rate with the amount of resources required toeliminate a particular failure mode. An optimization program is formulated to determine the best strategy of theresource allocation assuming system failures follow the Non-Homogenous Poisson (NHPP) process. The proposedidea benefits the reliability community in the sense that it provides a quantitative model for reliability practitionersor managers to make a sound decision to achieve the effective reliability growth using limited resources
机译:经常使用两种不同的纠正措施(CA)来提高服务系统的可靠性:改造和改进。 ECO(工程变更单)。翻新是一项维修服务,可主动更换系统模块或 组件因已知的故障模式而失败之前。 ECO是一项通常在全球范围内实施的对策 维修中心在故障返回后修复和升级有缺陷的模块。本文旨在评估权衡 在翻新和ECO流程方面,CA成本和预期的可靠性增长之间的差异。我们建议 修复有效性功能,能够将故障减少率与所需的资源量联系起来 消除特定的故障模式。制定了优化程序,以确定最佳方案。 假设系统故障遵循非均质泊松(NHPP)流程进行资源分配。建议 在为可靠性从业者提供定量模型的意义上,这个想法对可靠性社区有好处 或管理人员做出明智的决定,以使用有限的资源来实现有效的可靠性增长



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