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A Genetic Algorithm to Solve Master Planning Problems inSemiconductor Manufacturing




We present a master planning problem that arises in semiconductor manufacturing. The problem consists indetermining appropriate wafer quantities for several products, facilities, and periods of time. Different demandtypes, I.e. confirmed orders and forecasts, are considered. We use a combined objective function that takesproduction costs for in-house locations, subcontracting costs, inventory costs, and costs due to unmet demand intoaccount. Demand fulfillments and capacity constraints are considered. We present a genetic algorithm to solve themaster planning problem heuristically. The results of some computational experiments are presented. We comparethe results for small size test instances with results obtained from a commercial MIP solver. The genetic algorithm isable to produce solutions with reasonable quality in little time.
机译:我们提出了半导体制造中出现的总体规划问题。问题在于 为几种产品,设施和时间段确定合适的晶圆数量。不同的需求 类型,即确定的订单和预测都将考虑在内。我们使用一个组合目标函数 内部地点的生产成本,分包成本,库存成本以及由于需求未满足而导致的成本 帐户。考虑需求满足和容量限制。我们提出了一种遗传算法来解决 启发式地规划问题。给出了一些计算实验的结果。我们比较 小型测试实例的结果,以及从商用MIP求解器获得的结果。遗传算法是 能够在短时间内生产出质量合理的解决方案。



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