
The CMS+ System for Ranking College Football Teams

机译:CMS +系统对大学橄榄球队进行排名



The CMS ranking system is an optimization-based methodology for ranking sports teams. One of the stated shortcom-ingsof the CMS system is that teams are not explicitly penalized for scheduling games against weaker competition.We extend the CMS system by adding an additional parameter intended to account for “strength of scheduling”, andapply this new methodology the CMS+ system, to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) football. We alsodefine a method of quantifying the validity of a for ranking college football teams, and we use this method to assessthe improvement resulting from transitioning from the CMS system to the CMS+ system.
机译:CMS排名系统是用于对运动队进行排名的基于优化的方法。所述缺点之一 CMS系统的特点是,没有针对因竞争较弱而安排比赛的球队受到明显的处罚。 我们通过添加旨在说明“计划强度”的附加参数来扩展CMS系统,并且 将此新方法CMS +系统应用于全国大学体育协会(NCAA)足球。我们也 定义一种量化大学橄榄球队排名有效性的方法,然后我们使用这种方法来评估 从CMS系统过渡到CMS +系统带来的改进。



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