首页> 外文会议>IIE annual conference and expo;Industrial engineering research conference >Parallel Replacement under Technological Change and Deterioration

Parallel Replacement under Technological Change and Deterioration




The parallel replacement problem determines minimum cost replacement schedules for each individual asset in a groupof assets that operate in parallel and are economically interdependent. Economic interdependence arises as a result ofeconomies of scale, such as a fixed charge in any period in which an asset is purchased. In this paper, we considerthe parallel replacement problem under technological change and deterioration and provide its integer programmingformulation. Our model incorporates technological change as a gain in capacity, while deterioration is considered bothin terms of loss in capacity, increased operating and maintenance costs (O&M) costs and decreased salvage values.We illustrate how technology and deterioration affect the optimal replacement policy and give some insights about theproblem.
机译:并行更换问题确定组中每个资产的最低成本更换计划 并行运行且在经济上相互依赖的资产。经济相互依存的结果是 规模经济,例如在购买资产的任何期间收取固定费用。在本文中,我们考虑 技术变化和恶化下的并行替换问题并提供其整数编程 公式。我们的模型将技术变革纳入了能力提升的范围,而同时考虑了两者的恶化 在容量损失,增加的运营和维护成本(O&M)成本以及降低的残值方面。 我们说明了技术和退化如何影响最佳更换策略,并提供了一些有关解决方案的见解。 问题。



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