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Learning to compete, compromise, and cooperate in repeated general-sum games




This volume, which is also available online fromhttp://www.machinelearning.org, contains the papers accepted forpresentation at ICML-2005, the 22nd lnternational Conference onMachine Learning, which was held at the University of Bonn inGermany from August 7 to August 11, 2005. ICML is the annualconference of the lnternational Machine Learning Society (IMLS),and forms an international forum for the discussion andpresentation of the latest results in the field of machinelearning. This year, ICML was co-located with the 15thlnternational Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-2005),the proceedings of which are published by Springer Verlag in aseparate volume.>The papers in this volume were selected on the basis of athorough review process. In the first round of reviewing, threeprogram committee members produced individual reviews for a paper.Authors then had the opportunity to view those reviews and submitan author's reply to the reviewers. Led by the responsible areachair, thereviewers then engaged in a discussion about the paper,ultimately leading to the decision by the program chairs. In sum,of the 491 papers that were initially submitted, 62 were acceptedimmediately, and a further 81 were conditionally accepted andreconsidered after resubmission in a second round of reviewing. Ofthose 81 conditionally accepted papers, 72 were finally accepted,leading to a total of 134 accepted papers, which translates into anacceptance rate of 27.3 %. The author reply was a new feature ofICML this year, while the option of working with conditionalaccepts has already become a tradition.>In addition to the presentations of the accepted papers, theICML program included several other features. On the first and lastday of the conference, 11 workshops and 6 tutorials on currenttopics of machine learning were held. For many of these,proceedings and/or presentation materials are available online fromthe ICML website. The other days of the conference each featured aninvited talk by a prominent researcher as a program highlight. Wewere delighted that Johannes Gehrke of Cornell University, MichaelJordan of the University of California at Berkeley, and GerhardWidmer of the University of Linz in Austria, agreed to deliver aninvited talk. The abstracts of their talks are also published aspart of these proceedings.>Continuing a long standing tradition at ICML, all paperspresented in a talk at the conference were also exhibited atevening poster sessions, giving everyone ample time to discuss theresults in depth. In order to emphasize the co-location withILP-2005, the program contained joint elements in both invitedspeakers, paper sessions, poster sessions, and tutorials. As usual,the scientific program was complemented by a social program, thistime featuring an excursion to the scenic surroundings of the cityof Bonn.>During the conference best paper and best student paper awardswere presented, the former being sponsored by NICTA, the later bythe Machine Learning Journal.
机译:该卷也可从http://www.machinelearning.org在线获得,其中包含在8月7日至11月11日在德国波恩大学举行的第22届国际机器学习国际会议ICML-2005上接受的论文。 ,2005年。ICML是国际机器学习协会(IMLS)的年度会议,并形成了一个讨论和介绍机器学习领域最新成果的国际论坛。今年,ICML与第15届国际归纳逻辑编程会议(ILP-2005)位于同一地点,会议记录由Springer Verlag单独出版。


除了介绍已接受的论文,ICML程序还包括其他一些功能。在会议的第一天和最后一天,举行了关于机器学习当前主题的11个讲习班和6个教程。对于其中许多程序和/或演示材料,可以从ICML网站在线获得。会议的其他各天均以一位著名研究人员的邀请演讲为节目重点。令我们感到高兴的是,康奈尔大学的约翰内斯·盖尔克(Johannes Gehrke),加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的MichaelJordan和奥地利林茨大学的GerhardWidmer同意发表邀请演讲。他们演讲的摘要也作为会议记录的一部分予以发布。





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