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The implementation of the BSP parallel computing model on the InteGrade Grid middleware

机译:BSP并行计算模型在InteGrade Grid中间件上的实现



It is a great pleasure to introduce the ACM/IEEE/IFIP MiddlewareWorkshop Program for Grenoble 2005. This is the fourth time thatMiddleware has included a Workshop Program, and the levels ofinterest and the standard of submissions continue to be extremelyhigh. This year we have five workshops. The Workshop on Adaptiveand Reflective Middleware (ARM05) is our most venerableinstitution, and is now in its fourth incarnation, having startedout at Middleware 2000 in New York and run at every Middlewaresince. Two of the other workshops are also well established, havingrun previously in Rio and Toronto. These are the Workshop onMiddleware for Grid Computing (MGC05), and the Workshop onMiddleware for Pervasive and Ad-hoc Computing (MPAC05). MPAC thisyear is joined by Didier Donsez and his team whose proposal for aworkshop on 'Middleware for Sensor-Based Services' has been mergedinto MPAC. As a consequence, this event is running over two daysrather than the usual one day.>Another workshop thatis continuing a lively tradition is theDoctoral Symposium on Middleware. This popular event has workedparticularly well in the past and represents a wonderfulopportunity for young reseachers in our field to present their workto a mock thesis committee of mentors and to receive valuable andsupportive feeback. This year we also have a new workshop: the 1stWorkshop on Aspect Oriented Middleware Development (AOMD05). Thishighlights what seems to be a promising area of synergisticresearch that has recently been receiving a lot of attention. Welook forward to a productive dialogue on the relationship betweenaspectisation techniques and middleware techniques.>In order to control a broad base of resources, Grid Computinghas a middleware layer controlling the allocation of resources andthe distributed execution of applications. By exploring thepossibility of a wider range of applications specially based ondata grids and content networks, a larger diversity of resourcesand devices can be thought participating ina grid system.>The first MGC workshop held on June 2003, in conjunction withthe Middleware Conference, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, MGC'2003, sawa variety of efforts in Middleware for Grid Computing. There were16 technical presentations and discussions on several stimulatingtopics including, Classic Grids, Object Oriented technologies,Service-based Grids, Open grid Service Architecture, Agent Grid,Interactive Grid, Grid Economy / Scheduling, and Portlets.Following the workshop, extended and thoroughly revised versions ofthe papers were invited to a Special Issue of Concurrency andComputation: Practice and Experience Journal published in 2004.>The 2nd workshop in the MGC series brought together researchesin the field of middleware for grid computing, addressing topicsthat emerged from 2003, and some novel ones such as, Strategies andProtocols for obtaining Quality of Services, Virtualization,Wireless Grids, Data Grid Middleware, Semantic Grid Middleware,Dependability and Fault Tolerance in Grid Middleware and ManagingInformation. This workshop received an unprecedented number ofhigh-quality submissions. Fifteen full papers and nine posters werechosen for the workshop proceedings out of the forty-eight papersoriginally submitted. The presenters highlighted issues andsolutions in one or more of the themes identified for the workshop.Following the second workshop, thoroughly revised selected paperswere invited to a Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience Journal to appear in 2005/2006.>MGC'2003 and MGC'2004, generated substantial interest in thecommunity and it is expected that this interest will continue. Farfrom exhausting the topics of interest, they have paved the way fora third edition of the workshop in the series. For MGC 2005workshop, researchers from the various GRID middleware communitieswere encouraged to submit and present original work to beconsidered for publication.>The goal of the third edition of the MGC workshop is to bringtogether researches inthe field of middleware, addressinglarge-scale and real world problems in grid environments, includingthe most interesting and stimulating topics emerged last year, andsome novel ones as Strategies and Protocols for obtaining Qualityof Services, Virtualization, Wireless Grids, Data Grid Middleware,Semantic Grid Middleware, Dependability and Fault Tolerance in GridMiddleware and Managing Information.>The third workshop received a good number of high-qualitysubmissions and sixteen papers were selected for these proceedingsout of the thirty-eight originally submitted. Additionally 4posters have been invited. The presenters highlight issues andsolutions in one or more of the themes identified for theworkshop.>As full papers there were contributions oniDependability and Fault Tolerance in GridMiddleware/i by Camargo, Cerqueira and Kon, presentingstrategies for storage of checkpointing data using non-dedicatedrepositories on grid systems. On iServiceDiscovery/i there wasa contribution by Banerjee et al.,exploring scalable grid service discovery based on UDDI. OniPortals/i there was a paper by Akram, Chohan andAllan. Addressing iPeer to Peer Protocols in GridComputing/i there were papers by Amoretti, Zanichelli andConte, Lima et al., and Santos et al. They present aservice-oriented framework for P2P-based grids, a peer-to-peerresource discovery in mobile grids, and an accurate autonomousaccounting in peer-to-peer grids. Exploring different topics andcommon issues related to iProgramming Models and Tools inGrid Middleware/i by Goldchleger, Godlman and Hayashida,Paventhan and Takeda, and Rodriguez, Milanes and Schulze. Theyfocus on a BSP parallel computing model implementation, on amutli-language CoG toolkit, and on managing jobs with aninterpreted language for dynamic adaptation. Addressing aspects oniAgent-based Approaches and Grid ApplicationFrameworks/i there were papers by Joita et al., d'Orazio etal., and Desertot, Escoffier and Donsez. They explore anapplication deployment using grid middleware, the building ofadaptable cache services, and autonomic management of J2EE edgeservers. On iResource Management and Scheduling/ithere were papers by Yarmolenko and Sakellariou, Vargas et al., andBoeres et al. They discuss aspects on the flexibility ofWS-agreement for job submission, on a hierarchical submission in agrid environment, and on hierarchical self-scheduling for MPIapplications executing in computational grids.>Additionally there were poster contributions by Lima et al., andYamin et al. on iProgramming Models and Tools in GridMiddleware/i, focusing on a framework for buildingcustomized grid environments and a middleware to support pervasivegrid applications. Pathak, and Bittencourt et al. present posterson commons issues on iResource Management andScheduling/i, focusing on dynamic resource management onthe grid and a path clustering heuristic for scheduling task graphsonto a grid.
机译:非常高兴介绍用于格勒诺布尔2005的ACM / IEEE / IFIP MiddlewareWorkshop程序。这是Middleware第四次包含Workshop程序,并且兴趣水平和提交标准仍然非常高。今年我们有五个讲习班。自适应和反射中间件讲习班(ARM05)是我们最受尊敬的机构,现在已经是第四届了,它始于纽约的Middleware 2000,并在每一个中间件开始。其他两个讲习班也很完善,以前曾在里约热内卢和多伦多举行过。这些是用于网格计算的中间件讲习班(MGC05)和用于普适计算和即席计算的中间件讲习班(MPAC05)。今年的MPAC由Didier Donsez和他的团队加入,他们关于“基于传感器的服务的中间件”的工作坊的建议已被合并为MPAC。结果,该活动持续了两天,而不是通常的一天。




MGC系列的第二个讲习班汇集了网格计算中间件领域的研究成果,解决了从2003,以及一些新颖的方法,例如用于获得服务质量的策略和协议,虚拟化,无线网格,数据网格中间件,语义网格中间件,网格中间件中的可靠性和容错性以及管理信息。该讲习班收到了空前数量的高质量论文。在最初提交的48篇论文中,选择了15篇论文全文和9篇海报用于研讨会。演讲者重点介绍了为研讨会确定的一个或多个主题中的问题和解决方案。在第二次研讨会之后,邀请经过彻底修改的论文入选《并发与计算特刊:实践与经验杂志》,于2005/2006年发表。 MGC'2003和MGC'2004在该社区引起了极大的兴趣,并且预计这种兴趣将持续下去。他们没有穷尽感兴趣的主题,而是为该系列研讨会的第三版铺平了道路。对于MGC 2005workshop,鼓励来自各个GRID中间件社区的研究人员提交并提出要发表的原创作品。

第三版MGC研讨会的目的是将中间件领域的研究结合起来,着重解决网格环境中的大规模和现实问题,包括去年出现的最有趣和令人振奋的话题,以及一些新颖的问题,例如获取服务质量,虚拟化,无线网格,数据网格中间件,语义网格中间件,可靠性和容错性的策略和协议。 GridMiddleware和管理信息。


作为全文,Camargo,Cerqueira和Kon对 GridMiddleware中的可靠性和容错性做出了贡献,提出使用非专用存储库在网格系统上存储检查点数据的策略。在 ServiceDiscovery 上,Banerjee等人做出了贡献,探索了基于UDDI的可伸缩网格服务发现。在《门户》上,有阿克兰(Akram),乔汉(Chohan)和艾伦(Allan)的论文。在GridComputing中解决对等协议的问题,有Amoretti,Zanichelli和Conte,Lima等人和Santos等人的论文。他们为基于P2P的网格提供了面向服务的框架,在移动网格中提供了对等资源发现,并在对等网格中提供了准确的自治帐户。探索由Goldchleger,Godlman和Hayashida,Paventhan和Takeda以及Rodriguez,Milanes和Schulze编写的与网格中间件中的编程模型和工具相关的不同主题和常见问题。他们着重于BSP并行计算模型的实现,各种语言的CoG工具包,以及使用经解释的语言来动态管理作业的适应性。 Joita等人,d'Orazio等人,Desertot,Escoffier和Donsez等人针对基于代理的方法和网格应用框架方面的问题进行了探讨。他们探索了使用网格中间件的应用程序部署,自适应缓存服务的构建以及J2EE边缘服务器的自治管理。关于“资源管理和计划”,Yarmolenko和Sakellariou,Vargas等人和Boeres等人发表了论文。他们讨论了关于工作提交WS协议的灵活性,在农业环境中进行分层提交以及对在计算网格中执行的MPI应用程序进行分层自调度的方面。

此外,Lima等人还发表了一些海报。和Yamin等人。 GridMiddleware中的编程模型和工具上,重点介绍了用于构建自定义网格环境的框架和支持普适网格应用程序的中间件。 Pathak和Bittencourt等。当前在资源管理和调度上的后继者常见问题,重点是网格上的动态资源管理以及用于将任务图调度到网格上的路径聚类启发式方法。



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