首页> 外文会议>2004 CIGR International Conference : Collection of Extent Abstracts >Experimental Study on Combined Operation of Drillingand Subsoiling for No-till Maize

Experimental Study on Combined Operation of Drillingand Subsoiling for No-till Maize




In two crops a year region of northern China, no-tillage seeding and subsoiling arecompleted solely, which causes the problems such as more tasks, compacting the soil, increment ofpower consumption, speeding the growth of no-tillage maize. Aiming at above problems andcombining with actual instance of two crops a year region of northern China, this paper advancesdesign scheme of drilling and subsoiling combined machine for no-tillage maize which can be used intwo crops a year region of northern China. The combined machine can once complete all field worksof pushing aside the stalk, ditching, fertilizing, seeding, covering the soil, squashing the soil andsubsoiling, solving the problems which are caused by sole operation of no-tillage and subsoiling,accelerating the growth of maize.The paper advanced design scheme of subsoiling structure and detailedly introduces no-tillageseeding structure of the c ombine machine. Field results show that all the key parts' structures arereasonable, the overall bearing force and power distribution of the machine meet the design need.A series of contrastive tests between combine and sole operation of drilling and subsoiling are set up.Field tests make out that the combine operation of drilling and subsoiling is feasible technically,through using different loosen soil shovels, the combine machine can meet varied demands ofsubsoiling.
机译:中国北方地区一年有两种作物免耕播种和深松 单独完成,会导致诸如更多任务,压实土壤,增加水位等问题。 电力消耗,加速免耕玉米的生长。针对以上问题, 结合我国北方地区一年生两种作物的实际情况 免耕玉米免耕打桩深松联合机的设计方案 中国北方地区一年有两种农作物。组合的机器可以一次完成所有现场工作 推开秸秆,开沟,施肥,播种,覆盖土壤,压榨土壤和 解决了仅免耕和深耕造成的问题, 加速玉米的生长。 本文对深层结构进行了先进的设计方案,并详细介绍了免耕技术。 组合机的播种结构。现场结果表明,所有关键部件的结构都是 合理地讲,机器的整体承力和功率分配可以满足设计需求。 建立了一系列的对比测试,分别进行联合和单独的钻孔和深松操作。 现场试验表明,钻井与深松联合作业在技术上是可行的, 通过使用不同的松土铲,联合收割机可以满足不同的需求 深松土。



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