




Ad hoc network protocols are often developed, tested and evaluated using simulators. However, when the time comes to deploy those protocols for use or testing on real systems the protocol must be reimplemented for the target platform. This usually results in two, completely separate code-bases that must be maintained. Bugs which are found and fixed under simulated conditions must also be fixed separately in the deployed implementation, and vice versa. There is ample opportunity for the two implementations to drift apart, possibly to the point where the deployed and simulated version have little actual resemblance to each other. Testing the deployed version may also require construction of a testbed, a potentially time-consuming and expensive endeavor. Even if constructing an actual testbed is feasible, simulators are very useful for running large, repeatable scenarios for tasks such as protocol evaluation and regression testing. Furthermore, since the implementation may require modification of thekernel network stack, there's a good chance that a particular implementation may only run on specific versions of specific operating systems. To address these issues, we constructed the nsclick simulation environment by embedding the Click Modular Router inside of the popular s~network simulator. Routing protocols may be implemented as Click graphs and easily moved between simulation and any operating system supported by Click. This paper describes the design, use, validation and performance of nsclick.
机译:临时网络协议通常使用模拟器进行开发,测试和评估。但是,当需要部署这些协议以在实际系统上使用或测试时,必须为目标平台重新实现该协议。这通常导致必须维护的两个完全独立的代码库。在模拟条件下发现并修复的错误也必须在已部署的实现中单独修复,反之亦然。两种实现有很多机会可以分开,甚至可以达到部署和模拟版本彼此之间几乎没有实际相似之处。测试已部署的版本可能还需要构建测试平台,这可能是一项耗时且昂贵的工作。即使构建一个实际的测试床是可行的,模拟器对于运行大型,可重复的方案以执行诸如协议评估和回归测试之类的任务也非常有用。此外,由于该实现可能需要修改内核网络堆栈,因此很有可能某个特定实现只能在特定操作系统的特定版本上运行。为了解决这些问题,我们通过将Click Modular Router嵌入流行的\ ns〜network仿真器内部,构建了 nsclick 仿真环境。路由协议可以实现为Click图,并可以在仿真和Click支持的任何操作系统之间轻松移动。本文介绍了 nsclick 的设计,使用,验证和性能。




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