
XML-based information mediation with MIX




The MIX mediator system, MIXm, is developed as part of the MIX Project at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the University of California, San Diego.1 MIXm uses XML as the common model for data exchange. Mediator views are expressed in XMAS (XML Matching And Structuring Language), a declarative XML query language. To facilitate user-friendly query formulation and for optimization purposes, MIXm employs XML DTDs as a structural description (in effect, a "schema") of the exchanged data. The novel features of the system include:

Data exchange and integration solely relies on XML, i.e., instance and schema information is represented by XML documents and XML DTDs, respectively. XML queries are denoted in XMAS, which builds upon ideas of languages like XML-QL, MSL, Yat, and UnQL. Additionally, XMAS features powerful grouping and order constructs for generating new integrated XML "objects" fromexisting ones.

The graphical user interface BBQ (Blended Browsing and Querying) is driven by the mediator view DTD and integrates browsing and querying of XML data. Complex queries can be constructed in an intuitive way, resembling QBE. Due to the nested nature of XML data and DTDs, BBQ provides graphical means to specify the nesting and grouping of query results.

Query evaluation can be demand-driven, i.e., by the user's navigation into the mediated view.


MIX中介系统MIX m 是圣地亚哥超级计算机中心和加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校MIX项目的一部分。 1 MIX m 使用XML作为数据交换的通用模型。中介者视图以XMAS( XML Matching And Structuring Language )表示,这是一种声明性的XML查询语言。为了促进用户友好的查询表述并出于优化目的,MIX m 使用XML DTD作为交换数据的结构描述(实际上是“模式”)。该系统的新颖功能包括:

数据交换和集成仅依赖于XML,即实例和模式信息分别由XML文档和XML DTD表示。 XML查询在XMAS中表示,XMAS建立在XML-QL,MSL,Yat和UnQL之类的语言思想的基础上。此外,XMAS具有强大的分组和顺序结构,可从现有对象中生成新的集成XML“对象”。





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