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Fault detection and identification based on dissimilarity of process data




Multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) has been widely used for process monitoring. When a fault is detected, it is important to identify an actual cause of the fault. Fault identification methods are classified into two groups by availability of historical data sets obtained from faulty situations. When such historical data sets are not available, contributions from process variables to a monitored index can be used for identifying the variables that contribute significantly to an out-of-control value of the index. On the other hand, when historical data sets are available, a fault can be identified by comparing a data set representing the current faulty situation and historical data sets representing past faulty situations. In recent years, a new MSPC method termed "DISSIM," which is based on the dissimilarity of process data, has been developed. In the present work, DISSIM is extended for fault identification with or without historical data sets. The fault detection and identification performance of DISSIM is compared with that of the conventional MSPC using principal component analysis by applying those methods to monitoring problems of a continuous-stirred-tank-reactor (CSTR) process. The simulated results show that DISSIM as well as cMSPC functions well for fault detection and that DISSIM works better than cMSPC for fault identification.
机译:多元统计过程控制(MSPC)已被广泛用于过程监视。当检测到故障时,确定故障的实际原因很重要。根据从故障情况获得的历史数据集的可用性,将故障识别方法分为两类。当此类历史数据集不可用时,可以使用过程变量对受监视索引的贡献来识别对索引的失控值有重大贡献的变量。另一方面,当历史数据集可用时,可以通过比较表示当前故障情况的数据集和表示过去故障情况的历史数据集来识别故障。近年来,基于过程数据的不相似性,开发了一种新的MSPC方法,称为“ DISSIM”。在当前的工作中,DISSIM已扩展为具有或不具有历史数据集的故障识别。通过将那些方法应用于监测连续搅拌反应釜(CSTR)过程的问题,将DISSIM的故障检测和识别性能与使用主成分分析的常规MSPC的故障检测和识别性能进行了比较。仿真结果表明,DISSIM和cMSPC都可以很好地用于故障检测,并且DISSIM比cMSPC可以更好地进行故障识别。



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