首页> 外文会议>International conference on data engineering;ICDE-8 >3-D shape recognition by active vision-without camera velocityinformation

3-D shape recognition by active vision-without camera velocityinformation




Proposes a new method of active vision which recognizes the 3-Dshape of objects without knowing camera motion parameters. The motionparameters are calculated from the optical flows and the depth of objectpoints whose 3-D shape is already known. Then, using these calculatedmotion parameters and the optical flows, the 3-D position of unknownpoints are reconstructed, which, in turn, will be used as the knownpoints in the next frame of image. These processes are iterated for asequence of images to recognize the 3-D scene. In this method, theeffects of quantization errors are overcome by two approaches. Theerrors of camera motion parameters are compensated by using a largenumber of points to calculate them. Then, the Kalman filtering method isapplied to the sequence of images to reduce the 3-D position errors ofeach unknown point
机译:提出一种识别3-D的主动视觉新方法 不知道相机运动参数的物体的形状。议案 根据光流和物体深度计算参数 3D形状已知的点。然后,使用这些计算 运动参数和光流,未知的3-D位置 点被重建,然后将被用作已知点 指向图像的下一帧。这些过程经过迭代 识别3D场景的图像序列。在这种方法中, 量化误差的影响可以通过两种方法克服。这 摄像机运动参数的误差可以通过使用大的补偿 计算它们的点数。然后,卡尔曼滤波方法是 应用于图像序列以减少3-D位置误差 每个未知点



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