首页> 外文会议>International conference on data engineering;ICDE-8 >On optimal embeddings into incomplete hypercubes

On optimal embeddings into incomplete hypercubes




The authors show the embeddings of various types ofn-node incomplete binary trees into n-node or (n+1)-node composite hypercubes with dilation of at most 2. They alsopresent lower bound proofs showing optimality of the dilation. Theycharacterize the class of incomplete binary trees which are subgraphs ofcomposite hypercubes. They present dilation 1 embedding of atwo-dimensional n-node mesh, where one dimension is a power oftwo, into its optimal n-node composite hypercube. When neitherdimension is a power of two, it is shown that a dilation 1 embedding isnot possible; thereby characterizing the class of two-dimensional meshesthat can be embedded into composite hypercubes with dilation 1. Alltwo-dimensional meshes are shown to be embeddable with dilation 1 ifexpansion greater than 1 but less than 2 is allowed. The authors alsoconsider two types of incomplete meshes and their embeddings into theiroptimal composite hypercubes
机译:作者展示了各种类型的嵌入 n -节点不完整的二叉树进入 n -node或( n +1)-节点最多膨胀为2的节点复合超立方体。它们也 目前的下界证明显示了扩张的最优性。他们 表征不完全二叉树的类别,它们是的子图 复合超立方体。他们呈现出1的嵌入 二维 n 节点网格,其中一维是 第二,将其放入最佳的 n -节点复合超立方体。当两者都不 维是2的幂,表明膨胀1嵌入是 不可能;从而表征二维网格的类别 可以通过膨胀1嵌入到复合超立方体中。全部 如果满足以下条件,则二维网格显示为可通过膨胀1嵌入 允许大于1但小于2的扩展。作者还 考虑两种类型的不完整网格及其在网格中的嵌入 最佳复合超立方体



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