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Ship traffic management route exchange: acceptance in Korea and Sweden, a cross cultural study




Accidents at sea are today much more rare than in present days. Improvement in technical reliability is a large reason for that. And also innovation in systems that aid the human in decision-making. These systems can be technical (like the GPS and AIS), but can also be organizational (like Traffic Separation Schemes and Safety Management Systems). Still accidents occur. IMOs e-Navigation concept aims at collecting, integrating, exchanging and presenting information to aid the awareness of dangerous situations and the analysis of risk situations. One such attempt is the route exchange concept developed in the EU projects EfficenSea, MONALISA and ACCSEAS. The idea is that by coordinating routes from all vessels in an area, close quarter situations can be predicted and avoided at an early stage. A prototype system has previously been built and tested in simulator trials with Swedish mariners with good results. This paper presents a ship trial in Korea with Korean cadets and experienced bridge officers. The tests showed no cultural differences and good acceptance to the suggested system. Some important concerns were also expressed.
机译:今天的外卖事故比现在更加罕见。技术可靠性的提高是一个很大的原因。还有在援助人类决策的系统中的创新。这些系统可以是技术性的(如GPS和AIS),但也可以是组织(如流量分离方案和安全管理系统)。仍发生意外。 IMOS电子导航概念旨在收集,整合,交流和呈现信息,以帮助了解危险情况和风险情况分析。一种这样的尝试是欧盟项目expicensea,Monalisa和Accseas开发的路线交换概念。该想法是,通过协调来自一个地区的所有船只的路线,可以在早期阶段预测和避免关闭季度情况。先前已经在模拟器试验中建立并测试了原型系统,瑞典水手效果良好。本文展示韩国韩国学员和经验丰富的桥梁官员举行船舶试验。该测试表明对建议的系统没有文化差异和良好的接受。一些重要的问题也得到了表达。



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