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An airborne synthetic vision system with HITS symbology using X-Plane for a head up display




Highway-in-the-sky (HITS) trajectories and symbology were generated for GPS WAAS approach procedures developed for the NASA small aircraft transportation system (SATS) demonstration flights. Aircraft position and attitude data collected using an integrated IMU/GPS were used to render synthetic ground imagery and highway-in-the-sky (HITS) symbology using the X-Plane program in real-time. Flight testing showed that synthetic imagery using actual aircraft data can be used for aircraft guidance and for situational awareness, as well as for post flight playback and analysis. The availability of high quality scenery and elevation data as well as the existence of a software development kit allowed use of the X-Plane flight simulation program as a high performance and inexpensive rendering platform. This proved the feasibility of building an inexpensive synthetic vision system to generate synthetic imagery on a low cost head up display (HUD) designed for general aviation type aircraft.
机译:为NASA小型飞机运输系统(SATS)示范飞行开发的GPS WAAS进近程序生成了空中公路(HITS)轨迹和符号系统。使用集成的IMU / GPS收集的飞机位置和姿态数据用于实时使用X-Plane程序绘制合成地面图像和空中公路(HITS)的符号系统。飞行测试表明,使用实际飞机数据的合成图像可用于飞机导航,态势感知以及飞行后回放和分析。高质量的风景和高程数据的可用性以及软件开发工具包的存在使X-Plane飞行模拟程序可以用作高性能和廉价的渲染平台。这证明了构建廉价的合成视觉系统以在专为通用航空型飞机设计的低成本平视显示器(HUD)上生成合成图像的可行性。



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