首页> 外文会议> >The analysis of the transient process in TEM-wave transmission lines on the basis of the model of the communication line piece as an equivalent with lumped parameters with account of the skin effect

The analysis of the transient process in TEM-wave transmission lines on the basis of the model of the communication line piece as an equivalent with lumped parameters with account of the skin effect




The analysis of the signals propagation of ultrahigh frequencies and transmission of small duration pulses requires increase of the accuracy and expansion of borders of the applicability of existing models. In this paper will be spent the analysis of edges distortions of the pulsing signals, propagating in TEM-wave communication lines, on the basis of the model, in which a piece of line is replaced by a circuit with concentrated elements with account of the skin effect in conductors. The formulas for the transient response of signals, propagating in the loaded lines are received. The formulas, received by the author, supplement the existing Laplace-transformation tables and also specify the cables of determined integrals. By results of the analysis the comparative graphs of the transitive characteristic for a typical communication line with a typical parallel resistor-capacitor load are drawn.



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