首页> 外文会议>Management in the post-crisis era: diverse world and diversified management. >Perceptions of Face among Undergraduate Business Students and Business managers: A Decline in Moral Values? (A Preliminary Report)

Perceptions of Face among Undergraduate Business Students and Business managers: A Decline in Moral Values? (A Preliminary Report)

机译:商科学生和企业管理者的面子感知:道德价值观下降吗? (初步报告)

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Events in recent years have eroded faith in leadership that clings to outdated paradigms and exhibits unethical behavior. Ethical behavior includes the conduct of interaction that follows accepted societal rules, includes respect for cultural values and generates trust. In China, face is one element that influences Chinese behavior but is not understood by western managers. This study examines the continued relevance of face among a sample of graduate and undergraduate business students and managers. A reduction in the importance of face among Chinese people could indicate a change in societal values that might lead to a further erosion of trust in leadership.



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