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Foreword by the Translator Track Program Chairs




For the first, time ever, the call for papers of the 2019 edition of the MT Summit, included a specific track aimed at translators, who are arguably the largest group of users of translation technologies. This exciting development built on the success of the 21st annual EAMT Conference, that was held in Alicante, Spain, roughly a year before, and featured a dedicated translator track which added an important new dimension to the multi-faceted contemporary debate on MT. The novel translator track in this year's MT Summit programme aimed at involving translators into the conversation on an equal footing with researchers, developers, vendors and users of translation technologies, as the co-chairs felt that it was high time for their voice to be heard loud and clear. With this objective in mind, specific topics of interest included in the call for papers for the translator track concerned issues that increasingly confront language and translation professionals on a daily basis, including productivity measurements and their impact on MT adoption, the role of MT in translators' work (pricing issues, post-editing tasks assignment and their acceptance among professionals), ethical and confidentiality considerations when using MT, psycho-social aspects of MT adoption, such as attitudes and (pre-)conceptions, etc. A total of 23 submissions were received for the translator track, and each of them was peer-reviewed by three independent members of the Programme Committee. After a thorough selection process, 15 papers were accepted (6 for the oral sessions and 9 for poster presentation). The Programme Committee included both academics and practitioners, also representing associations and bodies of professional translators, to reflect the key communities with a specific interest in the topics addressed by the call for papers. We were very pleased with the number and quality of the submissions to the track at its debut at the MT Summit, and were particularly delighted to receive the official support of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) for the conference, as we are convinced that this mutual recognition is essential to ensure collaboration and an open, honest debate on MT going forward. We are very grateful to the Programme Committee members for their high-quality reviews, which have been very useful to us as co-chairs to select the paper proposals that were accepted in the conference programme and to the relevant authors to improve their papers: Bogdan Babych, Valeria Barbero, Sarah Bawa-Mason, Katie Botkin, Oliver Czulo, Stephen Doherty, Ignacio Garcia, Luis Gonzalez, Ana Guerberof Arenas, Adria Martin-Mor, Joss Moorkens, Sharon O'Brien, Minako O'Hagan, Mary Phelan, Pilar Sanchez-Gijon, Mirko Silvestrini, Olga Torres-Hostench. We would also like to thank all the authors for trying their best to incorporate the reviewers' suggestions when preparing the final versions of their accepted papers that have been included in these proceedings. Finally, as regards the papers submitted to the translator track that were not accepted for the conference, we hope that the reviewers' constructive comments will be useful to improve them, so that the important and timely debate on the relationship between translators, MT and more broadly translation technologies can continue in subsequent editions of the MT Summit and at other similar conferences in the future.
机译:有史以来第一次,MT峰会2019年版征集论文的呼吁包括针对翻译者的特定路线,他们可以说是翻译技术用户的最大群体。这一激动人心的发展基于大约一年前在西班牙阿利坎特举行的第21届年度EAMT大会的成功,并且具有专门的译者曲目,为当代有关MT的多方面辩论增加了重要的新维度。在今年的MT峰会计划中,新颖的译者曲目旨在让译者与翻译技术的研究人员,开发人员,供应商和用户平等地参与对话,因为共同主席认为现在是时候发表自己的声音了大声而清晰。考虑到这一目标,翻译人员征文通知中所涉及的特定主题跟踪了每天越来越多的语言和翻译专业人员所面临的相关问题,包括生产率衡量及其对MT采纳的影响,MT在翻译中的作用工作(定价问题,编辑后任务的分配及其在专业人员之间的接受程度),使用MT时的道德和保密注意事项,采用MT的社会心理方面(例如态度和(前)构想等)。总共23收到了提交给翻译者的论文,并且每个人都得到了计划委员会三位独立成员的同行评审。经过全面的选择过程,我们接受了15篇论文(口头报告6篇,海报展示9篇)。计划委员会包括学者和从业人员,还代表协会和专业翻译机构,以反映对论文征集涉及的主题特别感兴趣的主要社区。我们对MT峰会首次亮相时提交的曲目的数量和质量感到非常满意,并特别高兴得到国际翻译家联合会(FIT)对该会议的正式支持,因为我们坚信这种相互认可对于确保协作以及未来MT公开,诚实的辩论至关重要。我们非常感谢计划委员会成员的高质量审核,这对我们作为联席主席选择会议计划中接受的论文提案以及对相关作者改善论文质量非常有用:Bogdan巴比奇,瓦莱里亚·巴贝罗(Valeria Barbero),莎拉·巴瓦·梅森(Sarah Bawa-Mason),凯蒂·博特金(Katie Botkin),奥利弗·库洛(Oliver Czulo),斯蒂芬·多赫蒂(Stephen Doherty),伊格纳西奥·加西亚(Ignacio Garcia),路易斯·冈萨雷斯(Ana Guerberof Arenas),阿德里亚·马丁·摩尔(Adria Martin-Mor),乔斯·穆肯斯(Shars Moorkens),沙龙·奥布莱恩(Sharon O'Brien),米纳科·奥哈甘(Minako O'Hagan),玛丽·费兰(Mary Phelan) Pilar Sanchez-Gijon,Mirko Silvestrini,Olga Torres-Hostench。我们还要感谢所有作者在准备收录在这些议事录中的论文的最终版本时,竭尽全力纳入审稿人的建议。最后,对于未提交会议的提交给翻译者的论文,我们希望审稿人的建设性意见对改进他们有帮助,以便及时,重要地讨论翻译者与MT之间的关系。广泛的翻译技术可以在MT峰会的后续版本和将来的其他类似会议中继续使用。



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