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Elemental analysis of forensic glasses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry


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Abstract: Flat glass is a common type of evidence collected from the scenes of crimes such as burglaries, vandalism, and hit-and- run accidents. The usefulness of such evidence lies in the ability to associate the glass from the scene (or a suspect) to the original source. Physical and chemical analysis of the glass can be used for discrimination between the possible sources of glass. If the sample is large enough, physical attributes such as fracture matches, density, color, and thickness can be employed for comparison between a recovered fragment(s) to the suspect source. More commonly, refractive index (RI) comparisons are employed. Due to the improved control over glass manufacturing processes, RI values often cannot differentiate glasses where approximately 6 - 9% of casework samples are not expected to be distinguished by RI alone even if they originated from different sources. Employing methods such as NAA, XRF, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS for the comparison of trace elemental compositions has been shown to be more discriminating than RI comparisons. The multielement capability and the sensitivity of ICP-AES and ICP-MS provide for excellent discrimination power. In this work, the sources of variability in ICP-MS of glass analysis are investigated to determine possible sources of variation. The sources of variation examined include errors due to sample preparation, instrument accuracy and precision, and interlaboratory reproducibility. Other sources of variation include inhomogeneity across a sheet of glass from the same source. Analysis of variance has been applied to our ICP-MS analysis of NIST standards and to the interlaboratory comparisons of float glass samples collected across a sheet in a production facility. The results of these experiments allows for a more accurate interpretation of forensic glass data and a better understanding of the discriminating power (absolute and practical) of ICP-MS.!7
机译:摘要:平板玻璃是从入室盗窃,故意破坏和撞车事故等犯罪现场收集的常见证据。这种证据的有用之处在于能够将现场(或嫌疑犯)的玻璃与原始玻璃相关联。玻璃的物理和化学分析可用于区分玻璃的可能来源。如果样品足够大,则可以使用物理属性(例如断裂匹配度,密度,颜色和厚度)来比较回收的碎片与可疑来源之间的差异。更通常地,使用折射率(RI)比较。由于对玻璃制造过程的控制得到了改善,RI值通常无法区分玻璃,其中大约6-9%的案例样品不能仅靠RI进行区分,即使它们来自不同的来源。已经证明,使用NAA,XRF,ICP-AES和ICP-MS等方法进行痕量元素组成的比较比RI比较更具区分性。 ICP-AES和ICP-MS的多元素功能和灵敏度可提供出色的辨别力。在这项工作中,对玻璃分析的ICP-MS中的变异性来源进行了研究,以确定可能的变异性来源。检查的变异源包括由于样品制备,仪器准确性和精密度以及实验室间可重复性引起的误差。其他变化来源包括来自同一来源的一块玻璃板上的不均匀性。方差分析已应用于我们的NIST标准的ICP-MS分析以及在生产设施中跨板收集的浮法玻璃样品的实验室间比较。这些实验的结果可以更准确地解释法医玻璃数据,并更好地理解ICP-MS的鉴别能力(绝对和实用)。7



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