首页> 外文会议>Investigation and Forensic Science Technologies >Field and laboratory comparison of the sensitivity and reliability of cocaine detection on currency using chemical sensors humans K-9s and SPME/GC/MS/MS analysis

Field and laboratory comparison of the sensitivity and reliability of cocaine detection on currency using chemical sensors humans K-9s and SPME/GC/MS/MS analysis

机译:使用化学传感器人类K-9和SPME / GC / MS / MS分析可卡因对货币的敏感性和可靠性的现场和实验室比较

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Abstract: Reports that money in general circulation is contaminated with cocaine have resulted in contaminated money theories purporting that any person carrying currency could potentially initiate a drug dog alert. Field tests on dozens of different drug detector dogs with widely varying breeds, ages and training regimes show a consistent threshold level of 1 - 10 $mu@g of methyl benzoate spiked along with cocaine on U.S. currency or 0.1 - 1 ng/sec methyl benzoate diffusion required to initiate an alert. No other substance studied to data has initiated consistent responses by the drug dogs studied.!8
机译:摘要:有报道说,普通流通货币被可卡因污染,导致货币理论受到污染,据称任何携带货币的人都可能发起毒狗警报。对数十种不同品种,年龄和训练方式的不同药物检测犬进行的现场测试表明,以美元为单位的可卡因加标的苯甲酸甲酯或0.1-1 ng / sec苯甲酸甲酯的阈值水平始终保持一致,为1-10美元/克发出警报所需的扩散。研究的数据中没有其他物质引起被研究的药物犬产生一致的反应!8



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