首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Membrane Computing(WMC 2005); 20050718-21; Vienna(AT) >Computational Power of Symport/Antiport: History, Advances, and Open Problems

Computational Power of Symport/Antiport: History, Advances, and Open Problems

机译:Symport / Antiport的计算能力:历史,进步和开放性问题

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We first give a historical overview of the most important results obtained in the area of P systems and tissue P systems with symport/antiport rules, especially with respect to the development of computational completeness results improving descriptional complexity parameters. We consider the number of membranes (cells in tissue P systems), the weight of the rules, and the number of objects. Then we establish our newest results: P systems with only one membrane, symport rules of weight three, and with only seven additional objects remaining in the skin membrane at the end of a halting computation are computationally complete; P systems with minimal cooperation, i.e., P systems with symport/antiport rules of size one and P systems with symport rules of weight two, are computationally complete with only two membranes with only three and six, respectively, superfluous objects remaining in the output membrane at the end of a halting computation.



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