首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology; 20061024-27; Changsha(CN) >Investigation and Analysis of Coal-gas Outburst Accident Induced by Overlapping Mining Stress

Investigation and Analysis of Coal-gas Outburst Accident Induced by Overlapping Mining Stress


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Coal-gas outburst occurred on the headentry driving face of 11041 air intake in Malingshan coal mine, Zhengzhou Coal Co. Ltd, China, at about half past 18 on February 10, 2006. The mass of jetting coal was 339 tons, gas 28 341 m~3, and 15 persons lost their lives in this calamity. On-the-spot investigation showed that the headentry driving face located in overlapping concentrated stress zones caused by the coal pillars, which were left behind after underlayer A_7 coal bed had been mined in Malingshan coal mine. When tunneling along the floor, the dropping of coal body from the upper roadway increased the risk of coal-gas outburst. So stress concentration and coal body dropping were the key factors of the accident. When deep hole was drilled, the balance of the stress was destroyed, and then the accident of coal and gas outburst was induced. In addition, the incomplete ventilation system was the important reason why the number of deaths increased after the coal-gas outburst accident happened.
机译:2006年2月10日晚18点半,在中国郑州煤炭有限公司马岭山煤矿11041进气口的前驱驱动面上发生了瓦斯突出。喷煤量339吨,瓦斯28 341 m〜3,有15人在这场灾难中丧生。现场调查表明,在马岭山煤矿开采A_7煤层下层后,煤柱留下的掘进工作面位于煤柱引起的集中应力集中区域。当沿地面掘进时,煤体从上部巷道掉落会增加煤与瓦斯突出的风险。因此,应力集中和煤体掉落是事故的关键因素。钻深孔后,应力平衡被破坏,进而引发煤与瓦斯突出事故。另外,不完善的通风系统是发生煤与瓦斯突出事故后死亡人数增加的重要原因。



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