首页> 外文会议>International Council on Systems Engineering Eighth Annual International Symposium July 26-30, 1998 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada >When Requirements are not isomorphic to COTS Functionality: `Dormant Code' within a COTS product

When Requirements are not isomorphic to COTS Functionality: `Dormant Code' within a COTS product


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Idelally, there should always be an isomorphic mapping between the collection of requirements (system, software, etc.) and the collection of software which is intended to satisfy those requirements. This would normally always be the case with custom developed software. But with the increased use of various types of Non-Development Iterms (NDI) (e.g. COTS, GOTS, Reussable code, GFE), there is an increasing possibility that such NDI will include functionality for which there is not requirement. This non-reqjired or non-=specified type of software functionality will be referred to as Dormant Code (DC). This paper will focus on issues and problems caused byDC and will offer some approaches to address these thess issues.



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